Experience more than “ahh” at our spa

May 24, 2022

It’s easy for members to look and feel their best at The Providence, thanks to our on-site salon and spa. And while just about everyone loves a soothing massage or facial, the benefits go well beyond relaxation and glowing skin.

For example, did you know a massage can help reduce levels of cortisol, known as the “stress hormone?” But it’s about more than relieving stress: High levels of cortisol also have been associated with a higher risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Spa treatments can also relieve aches and pains, helping seniors achieve their fitness goals by giving them more flexibility and range of motion. They can even enhance sleep! These things all become more common challenges as the body ages—and all can be improved through massages and other activities.

Perhaps the most important thing of all, though, is the feeling of connection a massage provides. Human touch triggers the body to release oxytocin, which can reduce blood pressure and lower cortisol, while promoting healing and stimulating social interactions. It’s called the “love hormone”—and it’s the perfect reason your loved one will want to spend some time at our spa.
